Traffic Boy Chain of Command

by Ray Wootten (e-mail to Kent Rasmussen dated 20 December 2001)

The chain of command went: top sergeant, quartermaster, sergeant of substitutes, sergeant and corporal. I recall that in 1955 Oxford was faced with a unique dilemma - too many boys who were deserving of the top sergeant position.  They solved it by making 3 top sergeants - a first in school history. As you mentioned, Dave Gordon was always at the top, but in this case, he shared that honor with Norm Randolph and Jerry Strong. Gordon Jacoby was quartermaster.  He wore a pocket watch, which hung from a lanyard around his neck and was carried in his breast pocket. It was his duty to assemble the squads and send them to their assigned locations at the proper time.
Officer Hurych
Norm Randolph, Dave Gordon, Jerry Strong
Gordon Jacoby, Ray Wootten
Billy Gatewood, Martin Stryker, Roger Von Seeburg, Carroll Sinclair, Jeff Adams, Tom Geiser
Bill Stallone, Kent Rasmussen, John Durantini, Jimmy Dean, John Dodds, Ralph Conner
Billy Tregea, Bob Claassen, Steve Casey, Walt Conner, Josh Diamond