Walter Mills's Response to the Questionnaire

1 name: Walter Mills
2 childhood name, if different: same
3 exact birth date: June 3rd 1942
4 birthplace : Berkeley CA
5approximate year you move to Berkeley: 1942
6 year and grade you began Oxford:1951  2nd
7 grades at tended at Oxford: 2nd through 6th
8 other grade  schools attended (including grades): Cragmont, kindergarten inBerkeley;Then two schools in San Francisco and another in Berkeley (Frederick Burke?)
9 junior high school attended and years:Garfield
10 high school attended and years: Berkeley high school (fall class of 1961)
11 later education: Oakland city college, one year; Laney college in Oakland, two years; machinist apprenticeship for years; college of San Mateo one year
12 street address of your home while at Oxford, with nearest cross street: 18Northampton Avenue-Santa Barbara
13if your parents are still living, where do they live now: neither living
14your present residence (with dates): 306 West 37th Avenue San Mateo CA approximately 25 years
15 year you left Berkeley: 1976
16 last time you visited Berkeley: usually several times a year
17 last time you Saw the Oxford campus: 1998
18last time you saw a former Oxford classmate 1962  John D.
19other cities in which you've  lived(with approximate years): San Mateo 25 years+
20 current occupations (last occupations, if retired):boiler maker
21 marital status/spouse's name  Mary
22 children's names  (step children):  Kim, Julie, Russell           grand children: Adam and  Scott - Jason and  Kristen
23  e mail address: Walter 1942@
24 personal Web site, if any: none